Desalination and a New Environmental Public/ DELUS
A New Ecological Contract / Journal of Architectural Education 78:2
Landscape Ledgers & Rehearsing Environmental Publics / Núcleo Leguaje y Creación NLC
Materia Fuera de Lugar / Nº25 Revista Materia Arquitectura
Landscape Ledgers / Humedales Enmarañados
Unearthing and reversing: exhausting the water cycle / Architecture from Public to Commons
El agua es ágil y no lleva memoria consigo / Problemas Húmidos, Porto Design Biennale
Manifiestos, Crisis, y Regímenes / ELEA Costa Rica
Herramientas para ver de otra manera / Simposio: Pensar el Antropoceno desde el Sur
Linda Schilling / Esto no es Arquitectura
A New Ecological Contract: tools to see otherwise / Sensing the Environment Symposium
Crisis / 3rd International Seminar Architecture and Ethnography
Two Trees Talking / 13ª Bienal de Arquitectura de Sao Paulo
Toxicity Distributed / Driving The Human Festival
Not Quite a Finissage! / 5th Istanbul Design Biennial
Water Commons / Making The Public–Commons
Extractopia. And then what? / GSAPP Incubator Prize
The Avocado Toast / 5th Istanbul Design Biennial
Speculative City / Seoul Biennale
Parque Albufera Las Salinas / PULS Competition
CECCA / Reimagining Museums Competition
Panta Rhei / Parque Observatorio Cerro Calán Competition
Montevideo Accelerator / CRCL
Building and Unbuilding a SEZ / GSAPP Spring Studio
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