Two trees talking / 13ª Bienal de Arquitectura de Sao Paulo
03–05–2022 _ 03-07-2022
Two trees talking is a video essay exploring the many crossings of two tree species. By depicting a conversation between two of them, it challenges how we perceive non-human displacements and their repercussions in the context of the Anthropocene and climate crisis.
The exchange happens between an eucalyptus globulus and an ipê tree. The eucalyptus tells its displacement from the Australian landscape to the Chilean central valley, employed as a nature-based solution co-opted by a mining company to evapotranspirate copper concentrate water. The ipê tree, which is the new gold from the Amazon Rainforest due to its high market value, explains how its harvesting promotes environmental and social impacts that affect the biodiversity of the biome. In collaboration with Luciana Varkulja.
The installation at SESC Avenida Paulista included repurposed tree trunks by Dapoda.
Uma conversa entre duas árvores (Una conversación entre dos árboles), 2022
Linda Schilling, Claudio Astudillo, Luciana Varkulja (Viña del Mar – Chile / São Paulo – SP, Brasil, 1985/1985/1977)
Vídeo projeção.
3,40 x 2,00 x 3,00 m
The exchange happens between an eucalyptus globulus and an ipê tree. The eucalyptus tells its displacement from the Australian landscape to the Chilean central valley, employed as a nature-based solution co-opted by a mining company to evapotranspirate copper concentrate water. The ipê tree, which is the new gold from the Amazon Rainforest due to its high market value, explains how its harvesting promotes environmental and social impacts that affect the biodiversity of the biome. In collaboration with Luciana Varkulja.
The installation at SESC Avenida Paulista included repurposed tree trunks by Dapoda.
Uma conversa entre duas árvores (Una conversación entre dos árboles), 2022
Linda Schilling, Claudio Astudillo, Luciana Varkulja (Viña del Mar – Chile / São Paulo – SP, Brasil, 1985/1985/1977)
Vídeo projeção.
3,40 x 2,00 x 3,00 m