Landscape Ledgers & Rehearsing Environmental Publics / Núcleo Lenguaje y Creación NLC

Presentación y Performance

Landscape Ledgers & Rehearsing Environmental Publics fue una presentación y performance realizada en el contexto de la pasantía doctoral en el Núcleo Lenguaje y Creación de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Animación, Diseño y Construcción de la Universidad de Las Américas. 
Ambas actividades fueron una apertura de la investigación doctoral en curso en el Center for Research Architecture en Goldsmiths, University of London.

La investigación aborda los distintos regímenes visuales dentro de las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), buscando fomentar el desarrollo de
«públicos ambientales» a través de los procesos de participación ciudadana incluidos en los EIA y desarrollados en zonas de conflicto socioambiental. En ese sentido, la investigación propone una nueva lectura de los conflictos ambientales a través del análisis de las diferentes formas de representación espacial desarrolladas como parte de las EIA, tales como cartografías, imágenes de teledetección, ejercicios de modelado y registros de preocupaciones ciudadanas. Análisis desarrollado a partir de los registros de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental de infraestructura extractiva en Chile, para el periodo 1993-2022

En base a estos la presentación incluyó la puesta en escena de una instancia de participación ciudadana, la cual tomó como base el registro de las condiciones materiales con las que estas se producen por parte de las empresa mineras. En esta escena, un grupo de actores ensayó la lectura en voz alta de una selección de textos escritos por habitantes de zonas de conflicto, como parte de las instancias de participación ciudadana de los EIA. Textos escritos directamente en plataformas digitales de ingreso de comentarios, y posteriormente leídos solo en silencio, por quienes los procesan para su integración en los EIA.

La actividad fue financiada por la Graduate School Grant de Goldsmiths. 


Materia Fuera de Lugar (Out of Place Matter) / Nº25 Revista Materia Arquitectura

Guest editor

MATERIA ARQUITECTURA is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research, which can be exploratory and speculative. It is also open to visual and imaginative proposals. It aims to contribute to developing and questioning the discipline and architectural practice through new problems and ideas concerning the cultural, social, economic, and political contexts in which it operates.

plays with Mary Douglas's concept of out-of-place matter and reflects that such matter is neither cleansed nor washed away; it does not disappear; it only moves; nothing escapes the atmosphere of the terrestrial sphere. With architecture as an accomplice and primary user of extractive industries, promoting the ideals of modernity and development, the call received contributions that explored these new conditions in the context of environmental degradation.

CONTRIBUTORS Susan Schuppli @susan_schuppli / Pareid @pareid.architecture / Claudio Palavecino and Tomás García De La Huerta / Ophelia Mantz / Cristian Muñoz and Paula Orta @polgato / Jorge Valiente, Amaia Sánchez and Francisco Lobo & Romea Muryn @locument / Dillon Pranger / Amelyn Ng @amelynamelyn , Gabriel Vergara @gabrielvergarag and Christine Giorgio / Mále Uribe @maleuribef


Landscape Ledgers / "Humedales enmarañados" | Núcleo Milenio + CCA + ARQ UC

Workshop colaborator

Taught by Serena Dambrosio and Nicolás Díaz, professors of the UC Master of Architecture and members of the Millennium Future Nucleus of Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR), together with Marina Otero, visiting assistant professor of Columbia GSAPP.

Organized by: UC Master of Architecture, School of Architecture UC Núcleo Milenio FAIR and Resistencia Socioenvironmental Quilicura.

Supported by: UC Design, Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA), Harvard Wheelwright Prize and Congreso Futuro.

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Unearthing and reversing: exhausting the water cycle / Architecture from Public to Commons

This book provides an urgent framework and collective reflection on understanding ways to reconsider and recast architecture within ideas and politics of the commons and practices of commoning.

Architecture from Public to Commons opens with Institutions the dialogue with the scales of the commons, the limits of language for fluid identities, the practices and challenges of architecture as an institution, the design of objects with apparent shared value in Chile, land protocols that explore alternatives to profit-seeking of property in New York, and spirited conversations about revolting against architectural labor from Latin America. Continuing chapters explore, under Territories, the boundaries of Blackness across the Atlantic between Ethiopia and Atlanta, the underground woven network with conflicting grounds of ipê wood between Brazil and the US, water cycles in depleted territories in Chile, indigenous women-led territorial and human rights struggles in Guatemala, climate change accidental commons in California, and the active search for racial justice between design and place in New Orleans. Contributions range from theoretical and historical essays to current case studies of on-the-ground practices in the US, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South America.

Bringing together architects, scholars, artists, historians, sociologists, curators, and activists, this book instils an urgent framework and renewed set of tools to pivot from architecture’s traditional public to a politicized commons. It will greatly interest students, academics, and researchers in architecture, urban design, architectural theory, landscape architecture, political economy, and sociology.

Book Architecture from Public to Commons
Edited By Marcelo López-Dinardi
Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2023
eBook Published 1 December 2023Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 302
SubjectsBuilt Environment, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Social ScienceS

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El agua es ágil, y no lleva memoria consigo / Problemas Húmidos, Porto Design Biennial

Invited speaker to Problemas Húmidos, a workshop, and talk series curated by Bartlebooth

Problemas Húmidos propõe um laboratório de pensamento em duas partes para abordar problemas de design territorial ligados à água no noroeste da Península Ibérica. Num primeiro momento, articula-se como um programa público de palestras com ativistas, designers e investigadores cujos trabalhos abordam processos como o extrativismo histórico, os cursos de água, a ecologia política ou as monoculturas. Segue-se um workshop aberto a públicos não-especialistas em que se aborda o passado, presente e futuro dos territórios de extração situados no noroeste da península.



10:00 — 13:00

15:30 — 19:30
